Brown Thrasher

Brown thrasher perched on a fence
Brown thrasher. Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Range Map

AppearanceLarge rusty-red bird about 11″ long. Long, thin tail, heavily streaked chest and belly. Long curved bill and bright yellow eyes. Also has two white wing bars.
DietInsects and fruit.
Feeder FoodNot a common feeder bird but may stop to dine on fallen seeds.
HabitatThick shrubs, wooded edges, and hedgerows in the east. In the western part of the range, they can be found living in tree lines, fence rows, and woodlands.
NestingBulky cup-shaped nest about 3.5″ in diameter located low in a thorny shrub or tree. They have about two broods per year, 4-5 pale blue 1″ eggs with brown markings.
Brown thrasher range map. Compliments of <a href="">The Cornell Lab</a>.
Brown thrasher range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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