Common Nighthawk

Common nighthawk perched on a fencepost
Common nighthawk
AppearanceMedium-sized bird about 9″ long with camouflaged brown and white coloration. Chin is white and white bands displayed across wings and tail that you can only see while they’re in flight. Female same as male except for a tan chin and no white tail band.
DietInsects caught in the air.
Feeder FoodUnlikely to visit a feeder.
HabitatThey’re found throughout the US and Canada wherever open areas are found, edges of woods, residential and urban, prairies, grasslands, etc.
NestingThey don’t build or use nests. They lay eggs on the ground, usually on rocks or a rooftop (when gravel vs smooth surface). 1-2 broods/year, 2 eggs/brood that is cream color with lavender spots. Incubation lasts 19-20 days.

Range Map

Common nighthawk range map.
Common nighthawk range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.
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