Eastern Towhee

Eastern towhee on a branch
Eastern towhee. Photo by Patrice Bouchard on Unsplash
AppearanceSmall-medium-sized bird about 7-8″, mostly charcoal black with rusty-orange on the sides and a white belly. They have a long black tail with a white tip. The bill is short and pointy. They have ruby red eyes. The Female is the same but brown not black.
DietInsects, seeds, and fruit.
Feeder FoodGround feeder and will eat black-oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn, millet, milo, and peanut hearts.
HabitatScrubby areas along wooded edges, thick fields, and backyards.
NestingThe cup-shaped nest is typically located on the ground. They have 2 broods/year, and 3-4 eggs/brood. Eggs are ivory with brown spots and incubation lasts 12-13 days.
Eastern towhee range map.
Eastern towhee range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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