Florida Scrub-Jay

florida scrub jay perched on a plant
Florida Scrub Jay. Photo by Save Our Florida Scrub Jays.
AppearanceAbout 10″ long, large blue bird, light gray back and belly, swipes of white through forehead, and very long tail. Female is similar.
DietVaried diet of insects, nuts (especially acorns), berries, small snakes, mice, and lizards.
Feeder FoodWhole peanuts.
HabitatLow-growing scrub oak exclusively in Florida.
NestingCup-shaped nest of twigs and fibers located at the edges of scrubbed areas. 1-2 broods/season, 1-6 eggs/brood, eggs are about 1″ long, green with brown spots, 16-21 day incubation and young fledge at about 12-25 days.

Range Map

Florida scrub jay range map.
Florida scrub jay range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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