Gila Woodpecker

Gila woodpecker climbing up a post
Gila woodpecker. Photo by Dennis Lee Hammer.
AppearanceThe Gila woodpecker is a large bird about 8-10″ long. They are pale gray with a zebra pattern on the back, wings, and tail, a yellow patch on their lower belly, a red stripe on their crown, and a long pointy bill.
The female is similar without the red spot on the head.
DietThese birds have a varied diet including Insects (especially cicadas, ants, beetles, grasshoppers), beef and pork animal meat (especially bacon rind), earthworms, small lizards, eggs and young of songbirds, fruits, and cultivated pecans.
Feeder FoodSuet and nectar.
HabitatGila woodpeckers primarily live in the Sonoran Desert of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico.
NestingGila woodpeckers are cavity nesters, typically within an excavated Saguaro cactus. They often have 3 broods/season.

Range Map

Gila woodpecker range map.
Gila woodpecker range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.
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