
Male pyrrhuloxia
Male pyrrhuloxia. Photo by Kitsie Johnson.
AppearanceThe Pyrrhuloxia is a medium-sized bird about 8″ long with a gray body, yellow bill, a ruby-red crown & mask plus stripes of rjuby-red on the wings and tail.
The female looks the same except her mask is charcoal instead of red.
DietSeeds, fruits, and large insects.
Feeder FoodBlack-oil sunflower seeds, hulled sunflower seeds, and cracked corn.
HabitatPrimarily dry areas including upland deserts, savannas, and thickets of mesquite shrubs & trees.
NestingThey build a cup-shaped nest and have 1-2 broods/season. Each brood consists of 2-4 eggs that are gray/green with spots. Incubation is for 10-13 days.

Pyrrhuloxia range map.
Pyrrhuloxia range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.
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