Ring-Billed Gull

Ring-billed gul standing beside water
Ring-billed gull. Image by Lee Dusing from Pixabay
AppearanceRing-billed gulls are about 17 1/2″ long. They’re light gray above and white below. The bill is yellow with a black ring. Their legs and eyes are yellow.
DietScavenges along water edges for garbage refuse, fish, insects, earthworms, and grains.
Feeder FoodThey don’t visit feeders.
HabitatIn and around water.
NestingRing-billed gulls are ground nesters. They have 1 brood/season and 2-4 eggs/brood. Incubation lasts 20-31 days and fledglings leave the nest after 4-5 days.

Range Map

Ring-billed gull range map.
Ring-billed gull range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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