Song Sparrow

Song sparrow on a branch
Song sparrow. Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash
AppearanceSmall bird between 5-6″ in length with a round head and varying shades of brown streaks on the chest that converge into a central dark spot. Dark brown eyes, a short stubby beak, and a long, round tail. Females appear the same.
DietInsects and seeds.
Feeder FoodUnlikely to visit a feeder.
HabitatOpen areas and edges of woodlands.
NestingCup-shaped nest. They have 2 broods/year, and 3-4 eggs/broods, eggs are blue to green with reddish-brown marks. Incubation is 12-14 days.

Range Map

Song sparrow range map.
Song sparrow range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.
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