Spotted Towhee

Spotted towhee perched on a rock
Spotted towhee. Image by Bryan Hanson from Pixabay
AppearanceThe spotted towhee is a medium-sized bird about 7-8″ long. They are black with a white belly and orange rust on the sides of their belly. The wings are black with white spots. The female is similar except she’s a deep brown rather than black.
DietInsects, nuts, berries, and seeds.
Feeder FoodSmall sunflower seeds on the ground.
HabitatOpen areas, that are shrubby and thick with vegetation, as well as wooded edges.
NestingThe nest is placed on the ground or within a low-growing shrub, generally concealed with grass or other natural vegetation. They have 1-3 broods/season and 2-6 eggs/brood that is white, gray, green, or pink with speckles. Incubation is for 12-13 days. Juveniles fledge at about 10-12 days.

Range Map

Spotted towhee range map.
Spotted towhee range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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