White-Throated Sparrow

White throated sparrow perched on a branch
White-throated sparrow. Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash
AppearanceSmall bird about 6-7″ long. Brown with gray chest and belly. Has a small yellow spot between its eyes (lore). A white patch on its throat and crown. They have white or tan stripes alternating with black stripes. Females and males are the same.
DietInsects, fruit, seeds.
Feeder FoodMillet and sunflower seeds.
HabitatForested areas of coniferous and deciduous trees.
NestingThey have 1 brood/year and 4-6 eggs/brood in a cup-shaped nest. Incubation lasts 11-14 days.

Range Map

White-throated sparrow range map.
White-throated sparrow range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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