Arizona Woodpecker

Male Arizona woodpecker on a tree
Male Arizona woodpecker. Photo by Sarah Beth.
Arizona woodpecker (female) on branch
Female Arizona woodpecker. Photo by Sarah Beth.
AppearanceThe Arizona woodpecker is a medium-sized bird about 7-8″ long and predominantly a dusty brown color. The belly is white and brown spotted, the head has a brown crown in front and red behind, a brown spot behind each eye, a brown streak across its lower neck, long pointy bill.
The female is the same except her crown is all brown, no red.
DietInsects, especially beetle larvae. They also eat ants, fruits, and acorns.
Feeder FoodUnlikely to visit a feeder.
HabitatFound only in southern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and Mexico, they prefer wooded areas.
NestingThey’re cavity nesters and have 2-3 eggs/brood. They’re asynchronously so the chicks from a given brood are of different ages and sizes.

Range Map

Acorn woodpecker range map.
Acorn woodpecker range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.
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