California Towhee

California towhee perched on a log.
California towhee. Photo by Dave Kommel.

Description: The California towhee is a medium-sized bird about 9″ long. They’re brown with orange-buff face and breast, a long tail, orange-buff eye ring, trianglular beak, and long tail.

Diet: Seeds and some insects.

Feeder food: Black oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn, and millet.

Habitat: This west coast bird enjoys brushy habitats both along the coast as well as high in the mountains, along streams, open woodlands, and even backyards.

Nesting: California towhees have 1-3 broods/season, usually 3-4 light blue eggs (or creamy white eggs sometimes spotted eggs). Eggs are incubated for about 14 days and fledglings leave the nest at about 8 days.

Migration: California towhees are not migrators. They remain along the pacific coasts of California and Mexico year round. Some are found along the borders of southern Oregon and northern California.

Range Map

California towhee range map
California towhee range map. Courtesy of The Cornell Lab.

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