Chimney Swift

Chimney swift and babies
Chimney swift and babies. Photo by David Pizzino.
AppearanceA small bird about 5″ long, all brown in color. The long, thin body is accented with a pointed tail and head. Male and female look the same.
Feeder FoodUnlikely to visit a feeder.
HabitatOpen areas within their range, especially near water.
NestingCommonly make a nest of tiny swigs, cemented in saliva and attached to the inside of chimneys or hollow trees. They have 1-2 broods/year, 3-5 eggs/brood, eggs are white with no markings, and incubation is 19-21 days.

Range Map

Chimney swift range map.
Chimney swift range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.
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