Common Yellowthroat

Common yellowthroat perched on a branch
Common yellowthroat. Photo by Patrice Bouchard on Unsplash
AppearanceSmall bird about 5″ long, olive-brown color with bright yellow throat and breast, and white belly. Black mask outlined in white. Long, thin, and pointy black bill. The Female is the same except with no black mask.
Feeder FoodUnlikely to visit a feeder.
HabitatCommon in thick brush, open fields, and marshes.
NestingCup-shaped nest located near the ground, often in a thick shrub. They have 2 broods/year, 1-6 eggs/brood, eggs are white with brown markings, and incubation lasts 11-12 days.

Range Map

Common yellowthroat range map.
Common yellowthroat range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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