Green Heron

green heron
Green heron. Image by zoosnow from Pixabay
AppearanceLarge bird about 16-22″ long. They have a blue-green back, rusty red neck, and chest. The crest is dark green. Legs are normally yellow but turn bright orange during the breeding season. Female appearance is the same as the male.
DietFish, insects, aquatic plants.
Feeder FoodThey do not visit feeders.
HabitatWetlands include swamps, marshes, lakes, rivers, ponds, along the coast, etc.
NestingThey build a platform-style nest and have 2 broods/year. 2-4 eggs/brood that are light green with no markings. Incubation is 21-25 days.

Range Map

Green heron range map.
Green heron range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.
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