Northern Bobwhite

Male and female northern bobsites sitting amidst purple flowers
Northern bobwhite pair. Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay

Appearance: Northern bobwhites are a type of quail and are about 10″ long. They’re reddish-brown with streaking and spotting throughout. They have a whisp of a crown (hardly noticeable), and a white stripe starts at the bill and goes over the eye all the way to the back. Their throat is also white. Females are the same except the head is brown and tan.

Diet: Seeds, berries, and insects.

Feeder food: They will indulge in seed or crack corn scattered beneath the feeder.

Habitat: Found in rural and farm areas.

Nesting: Northern bobwhites nest on the ground in a sheltered location. They have 1-3 broods/season and 12-14 eggs/brood. Incubation is for 23 days and fledglings leave the nest about 7-10 days after hatching.

Migration: Northern bobwhites are not migrators. They remain in their year-round range every season of the year.
Year-round range: Eastern half of the US, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Mexico. ,

Range Map

Northern bobwhite range map
Northern bobwhite range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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