Sharp-Shinned Hawk

Sharp shinned hawk perched on a tree
Sharp-shinned hawk. Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay
AppearanceThe sharp-shinned hawk is a medium-sized bird about 10-14″ long. They are blueish/gray above with a dark cap that blends into the nape and white underneath with reddish/brown horizontal stripes. The female is the same but about 2-3″ larger than the male.
DietBirds smaller than 12″ long and small mammals.
Feeder FoodThey don’t visit feeders.
HabitatForests, forest edges, and urban areas.
NestingThey build a bulky platform-style nest from sticks and placed in a coniferous tree about 25-50 up where branches intersect in a forked manner. They have 1 brood/season, 3-5 eggs/brood, and incubate for about 30-36 days. Eggs are white – pale blue and spotted with brown, violet or red. Fledglings leave the nest after about 3 weeks.

Range Map

Sharp-shinned hawk range map
Sharp-shinned hawk range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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