Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Yellow-headed blackbird perched on wheat
Yellow-headed blackbird. Image by Akiroq Brost from Pixabay
AppearanceThe yellow-headed blackbird is a large bird about 9-11″ long They are all black with a golden yellow head, chest, and back of its neck. A black mask and gray bill accent the face. The wings have white patches and they have a pointy black bill.
The female is similar to the male except she’s slightly smaller, and has a brown body with a dull yellow head and chest.
DietInsects and seeds.
Feeder FoodUnlikely to visit a feeder.
HabitatWetland areas such as marshes.
NestingCup-shaped nest. They have 2 broods/year and 3-5 greenish-white eggs/brood with brown markings. Incubation is 11-13 days.

Range Map

Yellow-headed blackbird range map.
Yellow-headed blackbird range map. Compliments of The Cornell Lab.

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